August Newletter

August Newletter

Moston Parish Council Newsletter

August 2021

Welcome to the August edition of the Moston Parish Council Newsletter. This month has seen an increase in the amount and nature of fly tipping in the parish, which has included builders bags of timber offcuts and pallets and paving slabs. Although this is not unique to the parish, we would ask residents to keep an eye open for any suspicious activity on our lanes. Also this month a window, in the red phone box on Moston Green, has been broken by somebody firing a ball bearing through the window. This is not the first case of damage being caused by this sort of vandalism and again we would ask parishioners to keep an eye open and report to the police anybody acting oddly.

In this months Parish Council meeting a number of issues were raised including a planning application, at Woodville Farm, for conversion of an annex. The Council supported the application.

Can we remind people that the newsletter will, if necessary abridge the reasons for support of, and objections to, planning applications. For a full explanation of the Parish council’s decisions, please go to Cheshire East’s planning portal.

Councillors also reported at the meeting that there has been positive discussions  with Seddon Construction regarding the work and financial implications of improving internet speed within Moston.

Also this month the Parish Council are in ongoing discussions with CEC to change the status of the path, known as “The Cosey”, between Plant Lane and Oakwood Lane

The next Council meeting will be held on Wednesday 8th September at 7:30pm at Warmingham Village Hall and all parishioners are invited to attend.

As always, we hope you find this newsletter useful. If you have any comments about the newsletter or any other parish related matters, you can contact us by email. The address is: