Digital Inclusion Discussion

Digital Inclusion Discussion

Would like to be involved in a Digital Inclusion Discussion with Cheshire East Council?

Can you make either of the following times:

Tuesday 28th June at 5.30pm-7pm or Friday 1st July at 10.30am-12pm?

Will be held at St Peters Church Hall, Elworth

Please let me know ( if you can attend


The Detail:

Digital Inclusion Group Discussion

We at Cheshire East Council want to make sure that everyone has the
access to the services they need.

With services becoming increasingly digital – meaning they are
contacted or accessed online – we want to make sure that no resident
is left behind. For us to meet this aim, we need your help. We are
looking to speak to people about their experiences around using (or
not using) technologies such as the internet through a phone, tablet
or computer.

Whether you are unsure about using the internet, do not have access
to use it or simply do not wish to, we want to hear from you!

We are setting up group discussions hear your resident opinion.