October Newsletter

October Newsletter

Welcome to the October edition of the Moston Parish Council Newsletter.  The main topic of interest, this month, is Cheshire East’s Community Governance Review. This is a statutory review of parish and town councils, the number of councillors and the physical make up of the parish / town. As part of this review, Cheshire East have proposed a number of changes to Moston and the Parish Council.

The main changes are that, the Albion Lock Development will no  longer be part of Moston but will become part of Elworth and will be administered by Sandbach Town Council. Also the Glebe Farm and Seddon Homes Developments on Warmingham Lane, will become part of Middlewich. This in effect means that Moston will revert to being a purely rural parish. With 301 electors as opposed to the projected 1,456 electors, and rising, in 2023. The reduction in the electorate will also affect the number of Parish Councillors, reducing them from 8 to 7. This change in the number of councillors is minimal and will in fact have no effect on the running of the council, as we have only 7 councillors at the moment, being unable to fill the final vacancy.

One of the  other consequences of the proposed boundary change is that we will lose the green gap on the eastern side of the A533, Booth Lane, between Albion Lock and the existing houses on Booth Lane. The Council have been in discussion with Sandbach Town Council and it is hoped that they will incorporate the Green Gap, which is in Moston at the moment, into their revised Neighbourhood Plan.

The Governance Review as it stands includes a proposal which the council find puzzling. In the proposal it is planned to remove the two bungalows and the old Moston garage and allocate them to Sandbach, to the west of the A533 but to retain Flowcrete UK and Dragon’s Wharf in Moston. The Council have pointed out the anomaly and await a reply from Cheshire East.

On other matters the council have been in discussion with Highways over the condition of Oakwood Lane and removal of the fallen tree. The tree has been removed and Highways have promised to undertake emergency remedial work on the road surface. The council are also working with the local landownwers to see if the amount of flooding in the lane can be reduced.

The link to the Governance Review documents can be found on the parish website.

As always, we hope you find this newsletter useful. If you have any comments about the newsletter or any other parish related matters, you can contact us by email. The address is:
