Following the adoption of the Local Plan Strategy, the Council has been preparing a number of additional planning policy documents to provide further guidance. The Brooks Lane (Middlewich) draft Development Framework (Masterplan) Supplementary Planning Document (“SPD”) has been prepared to provide further guidance about a site allocated for redevelopment in the Local Plan Strategy – Brooks Lane (Middlewich) strategic location (LPS 43). The draft development framework has been prepared by consultants, Barton Willmore, on behalf of the council. The council is now seeking views on the document prior to it being finalised and adopted as a SPD, As a SPD, its guidance would need to be taken into account in deciding relevant planning applications affecting the site.
Consultation on the draft Brooks Lane (Middlewich) Development Framework is taking place between the 14 January and 5pm on the 25 February 2019. The document will be available to view on line at, at Middlewich Library and at the following Council Offices during their normal opening hours:
- Delamere House, Delamere Street, Crewe, Cheshire, CW1 2JZ;
- Macclesfield Town Hall, Macclesfield, Cheshire, SK10 1EA; and
- Westfields, Middlewich Road, Sandbach, CW11 1HZ
Comments forms are available at the above locations. We would encourage you to respond using the consultation portal on our website. Alternatively, you can e-mail your views to or send them by post to Spatial Planing (Westfields) C/O Municipal Buildings, Earle Street, Crewe, CW1 2BJ.
Two public consultation drop-in events are also being held at Middlewich Community Church, Brooks Lane, CW10 0JQ on:
- Wednesday 23 January (5pm – 8pm); and
- Monday 28 January (5pm – 8pm)
Council staff will be on hand at each event to explain the proposals and answer any questions.
Please note that the deadline for the receipt of comments is 5pm on the 25 February 2019.
Your personal data will be processed in line with our privacy notice and your name and comments will be published and made available to view on the consultation portal. Further information can be obtained from the Council’s website or by contacting the Spatial Planning team on 01270 685893 or by e mailing
Jeremy Owens,
Development Plans Manager
Spatial Planning Team
Westfields, Middlewich Road, Sandbach, CW11 1HZ