Welcome to the first edition of the Moston Parish Council Newsletter. The intention is to publish a monthly newsletter, after every Parish Council meeting, setting out what happened in the meeting and to give any news, not covered or minuted in that meeting. We also intend to give any news of events / projects etc in the Parish.
Moston is a rural / semi rural parish and although our population is growing, it is still scattered over a wide and diverse area. The Parish Council has fought long and hard to maintain the rural aspect of the parish and therefore all decisions made, by the council, are taken with this in mind. In 2018 we successfully completed our first Neighbourhood Plan, details of which can be found on the website, This plan sets out the Parishioners views on how we want our Parish to develop, over the next few years. This is not a static plan and we intend to revisit and revise it in the next couple of years, in the light of changing legislation, especially on climate and the environment. Over the last couple of years, in an attempt to improve the environment and the appearance of the Parish, we have planted thousands of daffodil bulbs and have given away free trees to parishioners.
Over the last year we have facilitated a deal between the developers of the Albion Lock Estate and Cheshire East. This is to improve the footpath between the estate and Mill Lane and also to reinstall the street lighting that Cheshire East removed. At the moment the developers are awaiting the release of funds held by Cheshire East but hope to complete the works by September.
At the Parish Council, this month, members sent a planning objection to Cheshire East, about the proposed development at Glebe Farm, Warmingham Lane. The council objected to the proposal to use Warmingham Lane as a route for construction traffic. Our objection centred around the fact that our rural lanes cannot take the extra HGV traffic that will be generated during the construction period and we feel that Booth Lane, which was the original site entrance, is far better suited as the main route for this traffic. The development already has outline planning but the original plan was to use Booth Lane for construction traffic. The concern, now, is that the builders, Taylor Wimpey, want to change that, hence the objection.
Members also received a report on the ongoing work to improve and clean the street furniture in the parish, this includes cleaning the boundary signs and refurbishing the signs giving the names of the lanes. A report was also given about future maintenance and improvements to the phone box on Moston Green once the present situation returns to normal.
Finally, We hope you find this newsletter useful. If you have any comments about the newsletter or any other parish related matters, you can contact us by email. The address is: