Newsletter June 2021

Newsletter June 2021

Welcome to the June edition of the Moston Parish Council Newsletter. This month is unusual in that there has been no Parish Council meeting. This is because the legislation on councils being able to run virtual meetings has run out and therefore councils must return to having physical meetings. As Covid restrictions still apply, we have been unable to find a suitable safe venue for our meeting. We therefore decided in the circumstances, to cancel the meeting. Non urgent matters will be carried over into July’s meeting.

June has seen an increase in fly tipping and Anti Social Behaviour in the form of vandalism and the fouling of one of the bridle paths. The matters have been passed on to the relevant agencies, including Cheshire police, the environment agency and departments within Cheshire East Council.

A number of planning applications and one planning appeal have been submitted and will be discussed at the July meeting.

At this time the venue for the July meeting of the Parish Council has yet to be determined and as soon as the location is finalised the time and place will be published on this website.

We are still awaiting Cheshire East’s Planning Department, signing off the relevant documents to allow the developers of Albion Lock Estate to commence work on the installation of street lighting and the improvement to the footpath along Booth Lane. It would seem the wheels at Cheshire East, “grind exceeding slow”.

As always, we hope you find this newsletter useful. If you have any comments about the newsletter or any other parish related matters, you can contact us by email. The address is: