Welcome to the March edition of the Moston Parish Council Newsletter. This newsletter will cover both February and March, as it would seem I inadvertently failed to publish a newsletter in February.
The important issue in February was to set the budget for 2022/23. This the council did and managed to keep the Parish Precept, the amount each household pays to the Parish as part of the Council Tax, the same as last year, which in point of fact means a reduction in real terms that each household has to pay. This is because there are more houses on Albion Lock.
At the council meeting in March it was decided to allocate £1,000 to wards the Queens Platinum Jubilee celebrations. Up to £500 was allocated to a party on Moston Green and up to £500 towards any celebrations organised on the Albion Lock Estate.
Tuesday March 29th, is the appeal hearing against the refusal of planning permission at Thimsworra Traveller site on Dragons Lane application No 19/5213C. Moston Parish Council will be attending to make the Parish’s views known to the Planning Inspector.
This month was also the Parish Meeting , which enables residents to have their say about the running of the Parish and also to put forward any ideas/projects they may have. This year, at the meeting, saw the launch of an exciting project by a local resident, John Pemberton, charting the history of Moston during the reign of Queen Victoria. John outlined his initial research, at the meeting. The history will be published on the Moston Residents Facebook page and hopefully on the Parish Website.
As always, we hope you find this newsletter useful. If you have any comments about the newsletter or any other parish related matters, you can contact us by email. The address is: