
September Newsletter

Welcome to the September edition of the Moston Parish Council Newsletter. September has seen once again an increase in fly tipping in the Parish. We would ask parishioners to be vigilant when...

August Newletter

Moston Parish Council Newsletter August 2021 Welcome to the August edition of the Moston Parish Council Newsletter. This month has seen an increase in the amount and nature of fly tipping in...

July Newsletter

Welcome to the July edition of the Moston Parish Council Newsletter. This month saw the Government required reinstatement of face to face Council meetings. The July meeting took place in Warmingham...

Newsletter June 2021

Welcome to the June edition of the Moston Parish Council Newsletter. This month is unusual in that there has been no Parish Council meeting. This is because the legislation on councils being able to...

Newsletter May 2021

Welcome to the May edition of the Moston Parish Council Newsletter. This month was the AGM of the parish. The Chair and Vice Chair of the council were elected at the meeting. Councillor Andy Roscoe...

Newsletter April 2021

Welcome to the April edition of the Moston Parish Council Newsletter. Last month saw the departure of our ex-Chair and long-standing councillor, Alan Holder. Alan after twenty years has moved away...

Newsletter March 2021

Welcome to the first edition of the Moston Parish Council Newsletter. The intention is to publish a monthly newsletter, after every Parish Council meeting, setting out what happened in the meeting...


Your trees should be delivered today. Many thanks to Dave, Jenny and Chistine for helping with deliveries. As the trees are bare rooted please get the trees planted as soon as you can. If you...

The Trees are ready!

The trees are ready for moving. We will be collecting them at the end of the week and given we are still in lockdown are going to deliver them rather than having a central collection point. They...